The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

The ODA Weatherization Program is one of the highest ranked in New York State. We have served tens of thousands of clients successfully, resulting in millions of dollars saved by the landlords, and happier tenants.

What does the program offer? The most important services we provide are the replacement and/or repair of broken windows and outer doors, refrigerator replacements, boilers and heating systems replacements, electrical upgrades and more. See our services page for a more complete list.

Landlords are required to invest a limited amount toward the weatherization costs, but the expense is quickly outweighed by the financial benefits accrued, such as electric and gas bills reductions.

If you are a building owner/manager, you may be eligible for a significant grant. Please contact us at 718.855.8233 or at to discuss your options.

Why Weatherize?

Weatherization saves landlords thousands of dollars annually.

The following are some of the benefits of weatherizing:
The building’s value rises because of better quality windows, higher grade appliances, insulation, etc.
Maintenance fees decrease due to newer, more efficient windows, appliances, heating systems, etc., that require less upkeep.
In addition to the grants, tax exemptions and abatements may be available for some of the costs incurred during the course of the work.

Besides the financial benefits, there are also humanitarian advantages to weatherizing your building. When tenants don’t get enough heating or their appliances break down often, they tend to complain. As a landlord, you would rather not be hassled by constant grievances. Those landlords and managers who have weatherized their buildings have seen an immediate reduction in complaints, and have retained overall improved relationships with their tenants.

Sustainable buildings save energy, money, and the environment. By upgrading your building’s appliances and windows, you will automatically cause its occupants to use less electricity. Consequently, their carbon footprint will shrink – an objective of most responsible people.

Talk to us about weatherization today. Along with everything else, you’ll be able to bask in the knowledge that you’ve done your share in the conservation of the environment. Your tenants will be living in a sustainable building where they can raise their families in safety and in comfort.
Economize + Energize = Weatherize

The ODA Community Development was founded in 1974 and is located in Brooklyn, NY. ODA is a non-profit 501c3 organization.Fueling the local economy is important to us.

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The ODA Weatherization Program is one of the highest ranked in New York State.

We have served tens of thousands of clients successfully, resulting in millions of dollars saved by the landlords, and happier tenants.

News & Events

March 14
Welcome to our newly launched site where we will provide you with all the necessary information regarding the weatherization process and many more important tips.
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